This article will explain how to use the merchant tablet to properly validate a reserved fuel code and review any completed reservations after the driver has finished fueling up.
5. Enter the number of gallons
Getting started
Within the TruckSmarter Merchant Tablet, you can see a list of active and completed reservations made by TruckSmarter drivers. First, make sure your tablet has opened the Travel Center Manager application.
A driver will enter your store to complete their fuel reservation. When the driver arrives at the register, they will show you their TruckSmarter app with their six digit (alphanumeric) fuel code. An example fuel code is displayed below:
1. Search for the fuel code
To find their fuel code, scroll through the list of reservations to find the matching fuel code:
2. Match the fuel code
Once you have found the reservation on your merchant tablet that matches the driver’s fuel code, tap the It's a match! button:
3. Select a pump number
Select the pump or lane that the driver will fuel up at and tap the Confirm pump number button:
4. Activate the driver's pump
Next, activate the driver's pump with your point-of-sale machine. The driver may now return to their truck to fuel up. The driver will return to the store to close out their reservation after they have finished fueling their truck.
5. Enter the number of gallons
Once the driver has returned to the store, enter the number of gallons that the driver filled up and tap the Submit gallons button:
Confirm that the gallon amount is correct by tapping the green 👍 button. If the amount of gallons is incorrect, you can tap the 👎 button to edit the number of gallons:
6. Complete the reservation
Lastly, close out the transaction in your point-of-sale system and create a receipt for the driver. You've now completed a TruckSmarter Fuel reservation — thank you for keeping truck drivers rolling!
Reservation status
There are two possible statuses for a reservation:
- In progress
- Done
Note that you can view Done fuel codes by tapping the Show completed codes and reservations toggle: