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Edit your submitted invoice

  • Updated

In some cases you may need to upload new files for an invoice that you've already submitted to TruckSmarter Factoring. Invoice issues can be caused by blurry photos, missing pages, or objects blocking your document. In this article, we explain how you can easily upload new invoice documents and resolve invoice issues directly within the TruckSmarter app.

Understand the outstanding issue

Upload new documents


Understand the outstanding issue

If TruckSmarter has identified an issue with a submitted document, you will be sent a notification and email. Here is a partial list of possible reasons why you must upload new documents:

  • Missing files or pages
  • Blurry document
  • Foreground object or background objects (no fingers, please!)
  • Missing signature (from the carrier or receiver)
  • Cut off document
  • Incomplete detention form

To see details about the problem, navigate to the Factoring tab and scroll down to the Invalid documents section. In this example, you can see that the submitted invoice has an incorrect proof of delivery:

Frame 1.png

Upload new documents

Now that you understand the issue, you can proceed with uploading new documents. Similar to submitting an invoice, you must open the specific invoice and scroll down to the Documents section. Tap the Upload button and then select Tap to add documents to choose your file type.

🚨 Note how the rejected document is highlighted red.

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You can either take a new photo, upload a file, or choose an image from your photo gallery. In this example, we have selected a file from our device:

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After tapping Confirm, please review your new documentation and ensure that the files adhere to TruckSmarter's document guidelines:

  • Entire document is shown: the image quality must be sharp and readable, all corners and edges of the document are visible
  • No pages are missing: verify that every page has been uploaded
  • No objects in view: ensure that no objects can be seen in the foreground or background

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Once the new documents have been submitted, the TruckSmarter Factoring team will review the new files. Finally, once the invoice is purchased, the invoice status will be updated accordingly:  

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