After completing onboarding for TruckSmarter Factoring, users receive both a physical and virtual TruckSmarter business debit card, and the funds in your TruckSmarter account can be accessed by both of your TruckSmarter cards. This article will explain how to set up and use your virtual card!
How to add your virtual card to Apple Pay
How to add your virtual card to Google Wallet
What is a virtual card?
Virtual cards are a safe and convenient way to access your TruckSmarter funds. Unlike physical cards, virtual cards cannot be stolen or lost and they are automatically activated after being issued.
TruckSmarter's virtual debit card is different than your physical TruckSmarter debit card in that it has a different number, but the virtual card can still access the same funds from your TruckSmarter account.
🏧 If you wish to retrieve cash from an ATM with your virtual card, note that virtual cards can only be used with ATMs that support near-field communication (NFC). Look for a contactless symbol to identify if the ATM supports contactless transactions. |
How to add your virtual card to Apple Pay
Adding your TruckSmarter virtual card to Apple Pay is simple. First, navigate to the Factoring tab, open the Banking menu, and select your virtual card. After completing the OTP flow, you can begin the process by tapping Add to Apple Wallet.
Next, you must complete the Apple Pay setup. You will be given the choice to select your device (iPhone, Apple Watch) and if you would like to make the TruckSmarter card your default card.
💡 Note that you will need to enter the CVV number during Apple Pay setup — you can tap the Show Details button to reveal your card. |
🍎 To learn more about how to manage your Apple Pay cards, please refer to Apple's official documentation. |
How to add your virtual card to Google Wallet
Android users don't have a way to automatically add their card directly from the TruckSmarter app, but they can do it manually following these steps.
First, navigate to the Factoring tab, open the Banking menu, and select your virtual card. After completing the OTP flow click the Show Details button.
Next, write down your card number and details before opening the Google Wallet app on your Android phone and following the steps below:
- Open the Google Wallet app
- At the bottom, tap Add to Wallet
- Tap Payment card.
- Tap New credit or debit card and then enter details manually
- Add your virtual card number from the Show Details screen in the TruckSmarter app
- At the bottom, tap Save and continue.
- Read the Issuer Terms and tap Accept.
Freeze your card
If you need to temporarily lock your card, you can do so by selecting Freeze card. This will prevent additional transactions from occurring until the card has been unfrozen. The card will remain frozen until you tap Unfreeze card to enable your card. Lastly, you cannot change your PIN while the card is frozen.
⚠️ Freezing your card is not a substitute for notifying the card issuer that your card has been used for fraud — contact Visa directly if you see unknown or suspicious transactions. |
Change your PIN
You can quickly and easily change the 4-digit PIN for your card by navigating to the Change PIN menu and following the prompts:
Show card details
If you need to view the card number, expiry date, and CVV, simply tap the Show Details button: