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Managing your fleet

  • Updated

TruckSmarter provides useful functionality to manage your entire fleet directly within the app. This article provides instructions on how you can invite team members to your fleet, edit team member permissions, remove existing team members, and more.

Fleet basics

Understanding team member permissions

Viewing your fleet

Invite a team member

Update team member permissions

Accept an invite

Remove a team member

Submitting invoices for team members


Fleet basics

First, it's important to understand how managing your fleet works. Here are the basics:

  • A fleet can have as many administrators and members as possible
  • An administrator can adjust the permissions of both administrators and members
  • Both administrators and members cannot edit their own permissions
  • If you are not a part of a fleet, you will be your own administrator


Understanding team member permissions

Different permissions grant different functionality. This table outlines what each role has permission to see or do:

Permission Functionality
  • Cannot view the Banking and Rewards* menus within the Factoring tab
  • Cannot manage the permissions of other team members
  • Can only see the invoices they have submitted
  • Can view every invoice factored by their team
  • Can submit invoices on behalf of team members
  • One Admin per team can view the primary TruckSmarter Checking account

*Rewards are not available for all customers


Viewing your fleet

To view your fleet, navigate to the Profile tab and select the Manage carrier team menu. In the example below, we are logged in as the Admin account and our fleet has only one team member in the fleet, Daniel. Notice how Daniel has the Admin badge displayed beside their name.

If we open the Admin team member, we can view their name, email address, and phone number:

Frame 1.png

Invite a team member

To add a team member, navigate to the Manage carrier team menu and select the Invite team member button. Fill out the required information and permissions (member type, factoring, and fuel payments) and select the Send invite button to send an email invitation to the team member. While the invite is pending, the Invite Sent badge will be shown beside the team member's name.

Frame 8.png


Accept an invite

Once an Admin has sent an invite, the team member must open their email client and accept the invite (the email will be sent from Assuming they have logged in to the TruckSmarter app, they will be shown the invitation. They can either accept or decline the invitation. If they accept, they will join the team immediately:

Frame 10.png

If they decline the invitation, the invite will be invalidated and can no longer be used:

Frame 11.png


Update team member permissions

If you want to update the permissions of a team member, you must first navigate to their page. Once there, you can select the permission you wish to apply and then tap the Update permissions button to save their permissions.

In our example below, we have promoted the Member named Xan to an Admin:

Frame 12.png


Remove a team member

If you want to remove a team member from your team, you can navigate to the specific team member and tap the Remove team member button. After confirming the removal, you will continue to see the team member's Factoring history (e.g. previously submitted invoices) but you will no longer see their future activity.

Frame 13.png


Submitting invoices for team members

When an Admin is submitting an invoice, they can submit the invoice on behalf of a team member's name during the Review step. This information will be reflected in both the Factoring tab and the invoice details. In the example below, during the invoice submission flow, you can see that an Admin has entered the name Kyle as the Driver. Most importantly, the driver's name is also reflected in the submitted invoice:

Frame 6.png