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Factoring a load

  • Updated

First, we recommend that you read our [FAQ] Factoring with TruckSmarter article.

TruckSmarter provides non-recourse factoring for any load invoice you submit within the TruckSmarter application. Once the invoice has been reviewed and accepted, you can access your funds within 24 hours of submitting an invoice. 

Submitting an invoice

Uploading documents

(Optional) Priority Payment

Viewing an invoice

Invoice status

Factor a load on the web

Log into account (desktop)

Submitting an invoice (desktop)

Uploading documents (desktop)

Review and Submit (desktop)

Invoice Status (desktop)

Submitting an invoice

To factor a load, navigate to the Factoring tab in the TruckSmarter app. On the Load screen, submit the following information:

  • Broker
  • Broker Load ID (defined by the broker)
  • Line Haul (the exact dollar amount)

On the Extras screen, if necessary, you can tap the +Add Category buttons to itemize multiple accessorial or deduction amounts:

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Uploading documents

On the Documents screen, TruckSmarter requires that you provide us with the following documentation:

  • Rate Confirmation
  • Signed Proof of Delivery

You can either upload a document from your device, your photo gallery/camera roll, or take a photo with your device camera. Alternatively, you can directly email your rate confirmation and signed proof of delivery to

💡 When uploading documents, please ensure that you follow our quality guidelines:

• the document text is clearly legible

• no background objects in the photo

• all four corners of the document are visible

• the document can still be read when you zoom in

• avoid uploading an image that is too dark or too bright

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On the Review screen, you can verify that all of your details look correct. If you are satisfied with your invoice documents, tap the Submit button to send your invoice to TruckSmarter!

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(Optional) Priority Payment

TruckSmarter Factoring offers a fast way to be paid for an invoice — see our Priority Payment article for more information.

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Viewing an invoice

After submitting an invoice, you can return to the Factoring screen to view the newly submitted invoice, as well as past invoices.

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Invoice status

An invoice can be in any one of the following statuses:

Status Reason
Awaiting review

TruckSmarter is reviewing your invoice. We review all invoices within 48 hours from the date of submission.

Missing documents

TruckSmarter is missing information in your invoice and we need more information from you. Please check your email for an email about your rejected invoice.

Read Edit your submitted invoice for more details.

Partially paid (disputed)

TruckSmarter has partially paid the invoice, but there is a dispute about the amount. Please check your inbox for an email about your disputed invoice.

Read Edit your submitted invoice for more details.


TruckSmarter has rejected your invoice. Please check your inbox for an email about your rejected invoice.


TruckSmarter has accepted your invoice! The funds are already in your TruckSmarter wallet ready to spend or transfer to other banks.


Factor a load on the web

If you do not have access to the TruckSmarter mobile application, you can also submit invoices from the web:

Enter the broker name, the load number, the line haul, accessorial, and upload your proof of delivery and rate confirmation documents. That’s it!

If you prefer to factor your loads using our web platform, follow these easy steps to submit your invoice for factoring online:

Log into account (desktop)

Visit the TruckSmarter web app: TruckSmarter Factoring. Use your registered email and password to log in, and navigate to the Factoring section. On the dashboard, select the Factoring tab at the top left. Click on Factor a Load or simply visit Factoring.


Submitting an invoice (desktop)

Enter all relevant details such as:

      • Broker name
      • Invoice number
      • Line haul amount


Uploading documents (desktop)

Upload a clean, legible copy of the following:

      • Rate confirmation
      • Proof of Delivery
      • Lumper Receipts


Review and Submit (desktop)

Double-check all your uploaded documents and entered information.

    • Click Submit once you’re ready.


Invoice Status (desktop)

Once submitted, our team will review and process your invoice. 


After approval, you will be redirected to the factoring page and can easily view the invoice status by selecting the invoice. See Invoice status for more information.

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